A simple person who is proud to be called a Malaysian and have a dream of a Malaysia of Tomorrow where the people will not be known as Malays, Chinese, Indians, Dayak, Iban, bumiputra or so on but to be known only as Malaysians. I have a dream of no more race based political parties such as UMNO, MIC or MCA but parties for all Malaysians. I have a dream of no more quota systems in Education opportunities for our children. I have a dream that Our children will hold hands together as Malaysian Children in Primary schools,Secondary schools and Universities. I have a dream where there will be no more religious sentiments to divide us. I have a dream where anyone can be a leader of any organization, department or even at the elm of this country as Prime Minister regardless of race. I have a dream that we shall not be judged by the color of our skins, our religion or the sound of our names!!
I have a dream my friends!!! I can only dream for now and hope one day it will become a reality. Let us dream together for that Malaysia of Tomorrow!!